Lord's Day Liturgy - April 14, 2024

April 14th, 2024 - 10:00 a.m.

Welcome & Announcements (Pastor Todd Odenath)

Silent Preparation

Call to WorshipPsalm 95:1-7a (Daniel Pena)

Invocation & Pastoral Prayer (Daniel)

Old Testament ReadingJob 28:1-28 (Daniel)

“People of God, this is the Word of God!”

    Church: “Thanks be to God!”

*Hymn 1: Holy, Holy, Holy

*Reading of the Law: Deuteronomy 5:6-21 (Daniel)

“People of God, this is the Law of God!”

    Church: “Thanks be to God!”

*Corporate Prayer of Confession: Heart Corruptions (Daniel)

*Hymn 2: Rock of Ages

New Testament Reading2 Corinthians 9:1-15 (Daniel)

“People of God, this is the Word of God!”

    Church: “Thanks be to God!”

Sermon: Mark 7:1-13 "The Tradition" (Pastor Todd Odenath)

Nicene Creed (Pastor Todd & Church)

The Lord's Prayer (Pastor Todd & Church)

The Lord's Supper (Pastor Todd & Church)

*Hymn 3: In Christ Alone

*Assurance of Forgiveness (Pastor Todd)

*Doxology (Pastor Todd)

*Charge & Benediction (Pastor Todd)

       *indicates congregation standing


Meeting Location:

2081 Business Center Drive, Suite 165
Irvine, CA 92612


Livestream (Zoom) link can be found here: www.provrbc.com/live-stream