The Contrast
Preacher: Todd Odenath Series: The Servant Son of God Scripture: Mark 12:38–44
Whether we enjoy the spotlight or prefer to stay out of view, we all know what it’s like to be seen. Some find it energizing, while others shy away, feeling the pressure of eyes on them. Yet there’s a reality none of us can avoid: we are all seen by God. He sees us completely, even the things no one else does. In this sermon, we will see a contrast in being seen—and how devotion to God is displayed.
In Mark 12:38-44, Jesus warns, "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes… and for a pretense make long prayers.” He reveals a tendency we all share, even in subtle ways—the desire to be noticed, to be admired, and sometimes, even to measure our worth by the praise of others.
As Jesus then draws our attention to a humble widow who quietly offers her last two coins, we are reminded of a different kind of devotion—one seen and cherished by God alone. With this, what does it mean to live fully seen by Him?
other sermons in this series
Jan 12
The Cup
Preacher: Todd Odenath Scripture: Mark 14:24–42 Series: The Servant Son of God
Jan 5
The Supper
Preacher: Todd Odenath Scripture: Mark 14:22–26 Series: The Servant Son of God
Dec 29
The Betrayal
Preacher: Todd Odenath Scripture: Mark 14:10–21 Series: The Servant Son of God