January 12, 2025

The Cup

Preacher: Todd Odenath Series: The Servant Son of God Scripture: Mark 14:24–42

We live in a culture that prizes self-confidence—for example, the self-help gurus who promise success if you just "believe in yourself," motivational slogans that declare "you can do anything you set your mind to," or influencers promoting their journeys of personal achievement through grit and determination. Yet how often does this confidence crumble when we face opposition?

In Mark 14:27, Jesus tells His disciples, "You will all fall away, for it is written, 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.'" Peter boldly insists, "Even though they all fall away, I will not." Yet this overconfidence leads to failure, beginning with his inability to stay awake in the midst of Jesus' suffering—even after Jesus had just predicted his denial.

In this sermon, we will see how Jesus reveals the weakness of self-reliance and the sufficiency of His faithfulness. While the disciples stumble, Jesus submits perfectly to the Father’s will, showing us the source of true strength and our need for dependence.

other sermons in this series

Feb 9


The Denial

Preacher: Todd Odenath Scripture: Mark 14:66–72 Series: The Servant Son of God

Feb 2


The Interrogation

Preacher: Todd Odenath Scripture: Mark 14:53–65 Series: The Servant Son of God

Jan 19


The Arrest

Preacher: Todd Odenath Scripture: Mark 14:43–52 Series: The Servant Son of God