What to Expect

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42 


What does Sunday worship involve at our church?

We believe that the only acceptable way of worshiping the true God is instituted by Himself and limited by His own revealed will in Scripture alone. And so, we worship God in a simple manner with the following priorities:

  • Prayer
  • The reading of Scripture
  • Expository preaching and hearing the Word of God
  • Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
  • The administration of baptism and the Lord's supper
  • On occasion, days of thanksgiving and days of solemn humility with fasting


A liturgy is how a church worships. All churches have a liturgy, whether formal or informal. Believing that the true worship of God is regulated by His revealed will in Scripture, we worship God:

  • Reverently, by treating God as holy
  • Humbly, by confessing our sins before God
  • Lovingly, by responding to God in faith and obedience
  • Joyously, by expressing our gratitude for God's grace and mercy

Our Sunday service starts at 10am and usually ends between 11:30-45am. The sermon can last anywhere from 45-55 minutes. To see our current liturgy, click here: Weekly Lord's Day Liturgy 

The Lord's Supper

We believe that the Lord's supper is a means of grace. By the Holy Spirit and through faith, believers' spirits are nourished on Christ and all His benefits (1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:23-32). Therefore, we administer the Lord's supper every Lord's day following the preaching of the Word.

Who can participate in the Lord's Supper?

We practice "close" (near or intimate) rather than "closed" (members only) communion. This means that the Lord's supper is open to:

Visitors are asked to speak with the eldership to verify meeting these criteria before participating in the Supper. If you are interested in participating in the Supper, please fill out this form: Lord's Supper for Visitors 


At our church, children worship with the rest of the congregation. Parents who are actively training their little ones to sit quietly in the service can make use of the back rows of our sanctuary along with the "Training Room" near the entrance of the sanctuary.  

Keep in mind that children are not expected to be completely silent during the service. Some noise from young children is anticipated and accepted by both the teaching pastor and the congregation. While parents are encouraged to train their children to be silent, if noise becomes prolonged and distracting, parents can exit the sanctuary with their child. The service is streamed in the training room, and parents can also stream it on their smartphones with headphones.

In our experience, ages 1 -3 are the most difficult. Children that age can be difficult to console. They can also be difficult to reason with. Parents should remember that these seasons are brief. Parents should also solicit help from others in the congregation, especially if they are outnumbered by their small children.


For questions regarding anything to expect on Sunday, please reach out to Pastor Todd: todd@provrbc.com